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Farmer First

HasiruAqua partners with farmers that have KrishiHonda ponds and cultivates fish in them. With HasiruAqua, farmers get a full-stack-fish-farming service that includes -

Fish seed, feed & Medicine

pond health monitoring

to sell produce & get support

Benefits for farmers

With a Krishi Honda Pond in your farm it is easy to earn money from cultivating and selling fish. Here's why it's better to cultivate fish with HasiruAqua -

Farmer without HasiruAqua
Farmer with HasiruAqua

Has to source and procure fingerlings

Has to source feed for fish

Fingerlings delivered to farm, procured from Grade-A source.

Fish feed delivered to farm on regular basis

Manually test for the pond's health or buy sensors that are expensive

MeenDoctru monitors pond health in real-time

Has to find buyers for the produce

Bears the burden of crop failure

HasiruAqua App provides access to marketplace

Provides continuous support in the rare chance of crop failure

How it works?


Farmers need to apply with a form, fill out their KYC and create a profile on the HasiruAqua app


HasiruAqua tests the pond for 12 parameters and ensures that the farm is safe for fish cultivation


MeenDoctru is then deployed at the pond and the farmer can now track the health of their pond on the HasiruAqua app


Fish Fingerlings are deployed at the pond.

HasiruAqua provides a stock of Grade-A fish feed.


Farmer follows feeding guidelines and monitors the pond from the app


Farmer can then sell the produce via the app.

They can select deals from distributors, exporters and D2C brands.


Sign up now!

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