Indian Carp
Snakehead Murrel
Hasiruaqua is a Bangalore based startup that cultivates fish for distribution, export and consumption.
We partner with farmers to cultivate fish and help them earn an additional income.
Help with food security and economic progress at local, national and global levels.
Introducing MeenDoctru v0.3
MeenDoctru is a proprietary technology created by HasiruAqua. MeenDoctru loosely translates to Fish Doctor in Kannada, the native language of our farmers.
It is an aggregated sensor kit that floats on water and collects 4 parameters of data in real-time and ensures the safety of the pond.
It can detect critical events and provide warnings, mitigating risk of crop failure.
The Govt. is invested
One of the major reasons why we're doing this now is because the government of India is taking aggressive measures in helping inland farmers across the country construct ponds in their farms.
These ponds are called Krishi Hondas and the government offers up to 90% subsidy to farmers who construct them in their farmland.